We need your help in keeping Scandinavian traditions alive
here on Whidbey Island!
The impact of COVID-19 has been felt all across our region, and has hit our Lodge hard. Our fundraising events throughout the year, most cultural in nature, have all needed to be cancelled. Our margins run thin, as do those of many not-for-profit organizations , and we could use your help. If you are able to help us out in this extraordinary time, we would be most appreciative. Donations are accepted through PayPal.
Tusen Takk!
No goods or services are provided by the Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge 2-164 in return for your contribution.
Our Lodge is a 501c8 organization. Donations are not tax-deductable.

Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge
An experience in
Nordic culture and tradition celebrating all Nordic nations.
Lodge No. 2-164
of the
Sons of Norway organization
©2019 by Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy